Wednesday, May 05, 2010


This is the love gift I received last week during Small Group.  A frame filled with lots of verses from San Jose friends to encourage me to get back to biking again.  It's very sweet of my friends to do this for me.  Having received the gift, I was determined to not let my trauma haunt me anymore and to be back to biking for Marcel and these loving friends.  

With that, I would like to send my deepest thank you to all of you.  Special thanks to Ci Kiki who organized this.  I think she got the idea to do the words of encouragement after reading this.  :-)  Is it, Ci?  Also special thanks to Nana for the beautification; and Vicky for the wrapping.  :-)  

I purposely didn't send a thank you note right away because I was waiting for 'this day' to come.  But in the course of one week, my pretending-like-I-haven't-received-the-gift was spoiled by the pictures Nana shared and Ci Kiki who was eagerly asking me, "So, did you like the gift?  Did you?  Did you?"  Oh mannnnnnnnnn, how could I lie?  How could I cover it up?  Hahaha.  

So what is the 'this day' I was referring to above?  The day I'm officially back to biking again :-).  Today, in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, I'm officially biking again.  I was pretty nervous at first.  After a mile or so, I started to feel more comfortable and begin to pedal with confidence.  My right wrist, though, is still weak.  It got tired more easily than the left one.  But a little shake took away the stress from it.  So I think, it should get stronger in the next couple of weeks (of course with the help of therapy exercises as well).

Well, thank you again, Friends.  Please enjoy the video Marcel took this morning before I head out to work with Mercy.

[Click to enlarge]

May this be a blessing!


Bertha said...

Yay! hopefully you can overcome all those fears in the next few weeks and start biking fearlessly :)

Kiki said...

Ha..ha..ha.. You're good at pretending dear. Ah... so happy to know that you like it. Nana is so gifted at making things beautiful.