Saturday, March 27, 2010


Previous scene

When we were driving home, I started to feel new pain in both arms.  Instead of going back to the ER, I decided to go home and rest for the night.  I was thinking of seeing my PCP for a follow-up instead of going back to the ER.

By the time we arrived at the apartment door, I was very relaxed and ready to hit the shower and sleep.  However, things took a different turn.  The moment I saw my bike and the condition it was in, I started to cry.  The whole night, I had been retelling the police, paramedics, nurses, and doctor of what happened; and I was alright; I was able to maintain my composure.  But seeing the bike brought a more vivid vision of the accident.  My mind started to replay it second by second.  Fear overwhelmed me.  Tears covered my eyes.  My body was shaking really hard.  Marcel came and hugged me tightly - assuring me that everything's going to be alright.

The trauma from the biking accident I had when I was little started to resurface.  The shaking body was the beginning of my trauma then.  It took me 20 years to overcome that.  I didn't dare to touch or ride a bike those many years after the accident.  Until 2 years ago, Marcel slowly helped me to overcome the trauma.  I started slow and re-learned everything about biking including the basics such as sitting, pedaling, turning, signaling, etc.

I finally fell in love with biking.  Marcel and I finally made biking as our family sports - the one that we both enjoy and can do together.  But the new accident had caused me to slip back to square zero.  I was terrified.

After series of praying and hugging, Marcel sent me to shower.  He then played American Idol that was recorded from the earlier show for me to enjoy.  Though my heart was still pounding hard, it didn't cause my body to shake anymore.  I was really tired by the end of the night.  So I said good night to the experience.

To close this entry blog, I was grateful for being home and a spared life.

Stay tuned for the final scene!  :-)

May this be a blessing!

Last scene

1 comment:

Kiki said...

I'm in tears as I read this. Can't thank God enough that you're okay, sister. Love u