Wednesday, May 05, 2010


I am a cracker lover!  Unfortunately, making them discourages me.  The deep frying.  The lots of oil.  The smell.  The splatters.  NO NO NO.

Alternatively, I've found a way to cook them faster and more conveniently: using a microwave. The time may vary depending on your microwave and the kind of crackers you have.  My recommendation is that you set it at a longer time (for example set it for 1 minute) and stop it when the crackers are ready (like in around 33 seconds for me).  I used mini garlic crackers that my mother in law brought from Indonesia for the purpose of the demonstration.  Boy, my mother in law and I had so much fun eating crackers at 11 o'clock at night :-).  Talking about bonding time.  :-)

Enjoy!  May you find this helpful!

1 comment:

Fonda said...

I like this! Ga pake minyak lagi, berarti boleh makan lebih banyak dong? ;)