Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Click here for week 2's recovery update

When I saw my doctor last week, she informed me that I've been on an improper wrist support.  The one I had was a rubber-type that wraps around the wrist.  The one that I should be using was the hard one that goes from the thumb to the arm.  For this reason, my wrist hasn't been healing as well as the other injuries; and that therapy and a plastic cast are recommended. 

Today, I went to see the therapist for my neck, back, and wrist for the first time.  And the result?  It's GREAT.  It's so much better than she and I thought.  Praise the Lord!

According to my therapist (Christina), I have an excellent recovering process.  She thought she would be seeing me today to put me on a plastic cast for my wrist.  To her surprise, my wrist was able to respond really well to her tissue adjustment treatment.  I had some misplaced tissues that disable certain moves and cause pain.  She had to relocate them back to their position.  At the end of the session, my wrist's able to do more moves with less pain.  Thus, the plastic cast is not necessary.  Ohhh, what a reason to be joyful for!

In the next 3 weeks, I will be doing some suggested exercises for my neck and wrist.  And I pray when I come back for a check up, Christina will be giving me a GO sign to start biking again.

Before leaving, Christina said, "It's a really good outcome for such an accident.  Excellent recovery.  It proves that you're athletic and in a good shape which really help your recovery."

The fact is:
  • I'm not athletic
  • I've been on an improper wrist support
  • But I have a speedy recovery (twice faster than normal) 
I don't have logical and medical explanation to that.  Where did my help come from?  My help came from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1-2).  It's the work of the Holy Spirit that I am in the condition that I am today.  It's the power of prayer. 

Thank you, Friends, for keeping me and Marcel in your prayer. 

May this be a blessing!

Click here for week 6's update

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