Friday, April 02, 2010


Happy Good Friday, Friends!

Well well, Marcel took me for a follow-up check up this morning.  My doctor investigated me and was surprised of my speedy recovery.  I still have swelling on my right thigh and right wrist.  With the recovery pace I have, the doctor predicted that I may be able to get on the bike sooner - a month sooner.  Yayyyyyyy.  Praise the Lord!

Next in my treatment is to do therapies on my neck, back, and wrist.  My doctor would like to see if I am qualified for a plastic cast to speed up my wrist's recovery.  All other bruises and abrasions shouldn't stop me from getting back on biking .  Yayyyyyyyyyyyy.

If everything is alright, Mercy (my bike) and I can start cruising around together again in 3 weeks :-).  What a Good News on Good Friday!  Hmm, no it's actually a GREAT NEWS!  Yeah?

Happy Good Friday again!  Remember someone loves us so much and had died on the Cross for our sins even when we're still sinners.  Yes, that's Jesus Christ!  Remain in His love  by obeying His commands and living our life totally for Him.  It's never too late to have a little refresher or fresh start.  Start today!

John 15:9-10

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love.  If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love."

May this be a blessing!

Click here for week 3's update

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