Thursday, April 08, 2010


It's been exciting to find interesting things hidden in my Inbox for soooooo long.  I found this in the email I sent to Elisse way back in 2008.  The email was about my devotion.  The content was to share with Elisse that God has chosen the best mom for Jasmine.  And if one day Elisse decides to stay home with Jasmine, that would be the best gift for her.

Today, I would like to share this with fellow Nursery workers for your encouragement.  So I'm gonna tweak the content of my email to Elisse a bit.

The Setting

It was on October 1, 2008.  I was having my devotion in preparation to teach Nursery.  We used to use Gospel Light as our teaching material.  At the beginning of each lesson, there is a "Teacher Devotion" section that I really liked to do to keep things in perspective.

The Message

The title of my teaching was "Safe in the Boat."  At first, I thought it's the story about Jesus when He fell asleep in the boat during the storm.  It's actually not.  In fact, it's about Noak's Ark and how God provided for Noah's family and the animals during the rain and flood.

On the "Teacher Devotion" section, there is an encouragement paragraph that stood out to me:

"God still intervenes in our circumstances today.  Is the space in your classroom inadequate?  Are the children crowded or restless?  Is the equipment worn?  Give your best effort and trust God for every need in your class, no matter how small.  He wants the best for each little child you teach!  He can bring calmness and love as well as providing for every material need.  Trust Him, expecting Him to help with the challenges you face.  He will!"

The Verse

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  - 2 Corinthians 12:9

The Take-Aways

Prepare ahead of time.  Let the teaching speak to us too (just like kids' sponges nature).  Bring our excitement.  Always start the class with prayer.  Trust Him.  And He will!

May this be a blessing!

Click here to read Elisse's testimony for your encouragement.  :-)

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