Thursday, April 08, 2010


Do you have oily skin?  What do you do to control it?  Do you pat on more powder just to find your powder puff and your face become more cakey?  Or do you use  blotting papers to dab the oil off?  Do you spend like $10 for a 65-tissue-paper pack?

I have a cheaper (rather FREE) alternative for your facial blotting paper: TOILET SEAT COVER.  Yes, you heard it right.  It's toilet seat cover.  Wonder how it works?

1) Take out a piece of seat cover preferably the inmost or middle one. 

2) Cut it in smaller pieces.  Please keep the inside part clean.  This is the side you will be using to dab the oil off.

3) Place them in a zipped plastic or business card holder before putting it in your purse.

4) I just so happen to carry First Aid Kit and medicine bag with me.  So I put mine inside this bag before into my purse.

5) When your face gets oily, take a piece out and dab it on your face.  Remember not to rub it.  You want to gently tap tap tap tap it on your face.  The paper will soak the oil and become rather translucent.  Use more paper if necessary.

If you don't mind a clean piece of toilet seat cover on your face, there you have it!

May you find this useful!


Fonda said...

yuck! reallyyy??

Yanny said...

Really koq. Same material. Cobain dhe. Makanya ambilnya yang dalem.