Monday, April 19, 2010


Happy Monday, y'all!!!!

Remember my sharing about how God spoke to me during my devotion to prepare for Nursery?  If you haven't read it, you can click here.  If you have, I would like to share an encouraging testimonial from my very own best friend Elisse.

This is the email she sent me this past weekend: 

Yan.. the other day pas aku anterin Jas ke skul pagi-pagi, kita lewatin 101North. Tiba-tiba Jas bilang 'Cross Cross', sambil nunjuk keluar (dengan mulut penuh sambil breakfast di mobil). Aku cari-cari mana ada salib. Eh, ternyata dia nunjuk ke salib-nya River of Life Church. Trus Jas bilang lagi 'Jesus died on the Cross'. Aku ngangguk ngangguk sambil amazed. Kok dia tau ya? Ternyata selama ini bacain alkitab, dia tuh nyantol tuh (so happy and so proud of her). Trus dengan  pikiran mau ajarin dia kenapa Jesus died on the cross, jadi aku giliran yang tanya, 'Why? Kenapa Jesus died on the cross, Jas?' Si Jas 'nyam nyam nyam.. ngunyah' Pas aku baru mau ceramahin, trus dia jawab 'Because Jesus loves us'. Heh??? Gejubrak! Aku ampe kaget. Aku kagak tau dia tuh tau. Amazed and my heart was just so in gladness!!! senenk banget gitu loh!  So.. I want to say thank you to you as one of her Sunday School teacher.. THANK YOU and keep it up! Even though it might be crazy in class sometimes, at least I know one kid for sure is listening. =) 

Isn't it rewarding or what?  I mean, I'm already thrilled to hear about Elisse's moment in the car.  And my investment is just 1.5 hours per month with these kids.  But I wonder how much more thrilled Elisse (as a parent) was to hear this from her very own little daughter.  It's been her daily investment on Jasmine.  I would be in tears if I were Elisse hahaha :-)

What a living God I have!!!

May this be a blessing!

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