Friday, February 19, 2010


Ahhhh, remember my blog post earlier this month about my new plant Golden Pothos?  Today is exactly two months after I got it.  Guess what I found today?  A NEW STEM coming out of it!  My Golden Pothos just gave birth .. *pop*!!!!  Yayyyyyyyyyy.  I'm a proud grandma!!  Wow, God is really giving me a chance to grow plants.  No more complete black thumb for me!  Thank youuuuuuuu, Jesus!  One more thing I don't have to say "Maybe next time" or "Maybe later" to. 

Yes, it's already in a pot now.  After it had grown enough roots, I moved it to a pot on 02/05/2010.


May this be a blessing!  Happy Friday!


This past Sunday, we did a mini thanksgiving celebration for the English Service's 2nd anniversary while Pak Hosea was preaching in San Jose.  Unfortunately, many core people who had contributed to the growing of this English Service couldn't be there physically due to the World Christian Conference, Presidents Day weekend, Mission Trip, Children Ministry's performance at Indonesian Service, or teaching in San Francisco (to name a few).  So I want to share a little bit about the thanksgiving celebration we had for those who missed it.

After the Service announcement, we played Ci Fina's video which ended up putting a big smile on oh-so-surprised Pak Hosea's face.  Then, we brought in the Indonesian Cheese Cake sponsored by Bertha as the whole congregation stood up and sang "Happy Birthday to Us."  Pak Hosea then gave his encouragement speech, prayed the Thanksgiving prayer, and blew the candles on our behalf.

During the speech, Pak Hosea mentioned that he daily asks God for:
1) Wisdom in dealing with many aspects of the Church stuff and
2) God's power to enable him to lead not by his experience

To me personally, his speech was like an answered prayer and words of encouragement.   What a timely word!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me -- Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

What a blessed assurance I found in Christ's promise!

May this be a blessing!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I found this beautiful illustration from The Lettered Cottage.  I thought I would share with you as well for an encouragement.  

Old Farmers Advice
(Property of The Lettered Cottage)

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight, and bull-strong.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered ... not yelled.
Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
Don't judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life.  
Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.

May this be a blessing!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If you read my blog entry from yesterday, Me Ik's persuasion mode didn't result in the sleep over at my place.  Ce Hong and Me Ik ended up spending a day with us.  So I'd like to share with you some of Me Ik's random comments for your enjoyment. 

While Ce Hong was playing Hive with Marcel

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, is beetle bug 'Cecak' (Read: gecko)?" 

Yanny, "Hmm, no, Me Ik.  It doesn't even look like it."

Me Ik, "Oh ok."

Beetle Bug in Hive game

While getting ready to swim

Yanny, "So Ce Hong and Me Ik, do you guys want to 1) swim, 2) go to Smaland, or 3) swim and go to Smaland?"

Me Ik, "I want to go to Chuck E Cheese, Aunty!"

Marcel and I looked at each other and laughed.  Then I was reminded of Ci Kiki's blog awhile back.

While at Chuck E Cheese

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, can I get ice cream?"

Yanny, "OK later after dinner alright?"

[After she's done with dinner]

Me Ik, "Can I get my ice cream now?"

Yanny, "You sure you want ice cream still?  I thought you said you're too full already."

Me Ik, "I was.  But, Aunty Yanny, my stomach is too hot after dinner.  I need to eat ice cream to make it cold so that I can sleep tonight."

HAHAHA.  Where did she get that idea from.  So off we went to the ice cream vending machine.

While calling my name

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, do you know that Aunty Kiki always call me 'Maxie .. oh no, Me Ik' and Goring always call me 'Hachi .. oh no, Me Ik'?"

Yanny, "Oh yeah?  Hahaha." [not sure how to respond to that]

Me Ik, "Oh Aunty Yanny, when are you going to have your first child?"

Yanny, "Ask Uncle Marcel, Me Ik."

Me Ik, "Uncle Marcel, when are you going to have your first child?"

Marcel, "HAHAHAHA" [not sure how to respond to that; his signature answer to the question]

[5 minutes later after Me Ik finished 3 pieces of mochi I made for them]

Me Ik, "Aunty Kiki, I like your mochi." [no one's responding]

Me Ik, "Oh, I meant, Goring, I like your mochi." [still no one's responding]

Me Ik, "I meant, AUNTY YANNY [while giving me a big hug], I like your mochi!!!  Close your eyes!" [then she gave me big kiss]

Awwwwww.  Yanny, "Me Ik, you're forgetful like Aunty Kiki and Goring!"

Me Ik, "I'm sorry." [then another kiss for me]

She's so sweet, isn't she?

May this turn your frown upside down! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


如果你知道我的家人, 们不是深爱人.  们也没有过情人节.  Marcel的家人也一样.

可是, 今年情人节, 我妈妈爸爸发短信送上情人节祝福.  我又开心又惊喜.

一个陪你 终生 !
一个伴你 左右 !
一个常日 跟随 !
《情人节快乐》  mama n papa.

Valentine's Day specially delivers to you 4 people who are dear to you:
One to accompany you for the rest of your life!
One to accompany you around!
One who is always there to follow you!
One who will always stay in your heart! 
They are called: Health, Safety, Blessing and Happiness.
Happy Valentine's Day   ~Mom & Dad~ 

啊!  谢谢妈妈爸爸.  你们使我的今年情人节很难忘.

May it be a blessing! 


After dinner on Sunday, Me Ik wanted to go and spend the night with us.  I thought it's not a bad idea considering that Marcel and I would have a day off on Monday.  So why not?

Then Me Ik went on her persuasion mode.  Standing in the middle of her parents (Ko Hari and Ci Erni), Marcel and I, Me Ik smartly addressed all concerns that Ko Hari brought up to make sure we didn't have a second thought about it:

Ko Hari, "But if you're staying with Aunty and Uncle, you have to take Koko Ce Hong too."

Me Ik, "OK.  Koko can come."

Ko Hari, "But you kick when you sleep.  Are Aunty and Uncle OK with that?"

Me Ik then turned to me and Marcel and said, "I could sleep outside."

Yanny, "Oh, you want to sleep outside?  On Aunty's futon?  By yourself while Koko sleeps with Aunty and Uncle inside?"

Me Ik, "Yes."

Ko Hari, "But what if you pee your pants?"

Me Ik, "I will wake up when I feel it.  Or I can pee before I go to bed."

Ko Hari, "But you snore!"

U-huh.  That's a tough one!!!  Me Ik then turned to me and Marcel while making a "tiny" gesture with her fingers and smirking, "But you can't hear it though!"

We all bursted into laughing.  What a smart kid!!!

May this turn your frown upside down!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Today is Mario's 24th birthday.  A month ago Mario just moved to the new university to finish up his Masters in Computer Science.  Since we didn't want to let Mario celebrate his birthday, Chinese New Year, and Valentine's day (though none of us celebrated the latter) all by himself, we decided to do "something" for him.

We bought his favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies Ice Cream and video conferenced the cake to him :-).  We also taped the process for Mamih and Papih to enjoy in Indonesia.  And finally, we wrapped up the video conference with the picture of us three celebrating Mario's birthday.  LOL.

Happy Birthday, Mario!!!  Enjoy Mamih & Papih.

May this be a blessing!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ohhhh guess what happened today?  After Church, Ci Kiki suddenly came towards Marcel as she's holding Baby Tobias.  She asked, "Cel, would you like to hold the baby?"

FYI, concerned that he might hurt the baby, Marcel always hesitated to hold an infant.  Maxie was the only baby under 1 that Marcel dared to hold -- it's all because Maxie would stop crying only when I handed him over to Marcel.  So Marcel put on the kangaroo strap to take Maxie for a walk so that he would stop crying.  Even so, Maxie never went to sleep when Marcel's around.  Since then, Marcel never wanted to take the chance to hold an infant if it's not too urgent.  He is THAT scared of the danger of hurting the baby!

TODAY, something changed!!!!!  Marcel couldn't say no to Ci Kiki's invitation.  Look at this photo of Marcel swinging Baby Tobias to sleep.  And Baby Tobias did sleep after 5 minutes!!!  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so proud of Marcel.  The first baby that Marcel managed to put to sleep as he's holding him (yes, I said it right: no bed; no other adult; no kangaroo strap; just empty-handed Marcel and sleepy Tobias).

Hmmmmmm, I'm very delighted!!!  Thank you, Ci Kiki, for trusting Marcel and letting him overcome his fear.  There has to be the first time to everything right?  Thank you Ko Hari & Ci Erni for trusting Tobias in Marcel's care.  Thank you, Marcel, for making my Valentine's day precious!!!  Seeing you and Tobias today just made my day.  I can't stop smiling.  :-)  It's like a beautiful scenery to my eyes.  Muach muach.

So, what about you?  What is the one thing you always say "Maybe later" or "Maybe next time" to?  For me, it was biking.  For Marcel, it was holding an infant.  Give it a try today and experience the joy of overcoming that fear!

May this be a blessing!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dear God, do worms yawn?

Dear God, are you really invisible or is it just a trick?

Dear God, thank you for the baby brother.  But I prayed for a puppy.

Dear God, maybe Cain and Able would get along if they had their own rooms.  It works with me and my brother.

Dear God, if You see me in Church this Sunday, I'll show You my new shoes. 

Dear God, at school the teacher said that Thomas Edison made the light.  But in Sunday School the teacher said that You did it.  I bet he stole Your idea.

May this turn your frown upside down!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Two months after I joined Marcel in San Jose, our Church "gave birth" to the English Service which is targeted for non-Indonesian speaking congregations.  Prior to becoming an English Service, the congregations had been meeting at a less frequent basis in an English Fellowship environment.  Many faithful brothers and sisters started this Fellowship years before that and slowly grew it.  Finally our elders gave it a GO for the Fellowship to meet at a more regular basis (weekly) and call it a Service.

This year, on February 3, 2010, our English Service turned TWO!!!!  Happy birthday, Church!!

I'm very delighted to be a part of English Service -- to experience the ups and downs in growing a Church.  The process hasn't always been easy nor has it always been filled with lots of laughter.  I've contributed my shares in the challenging side of it as well.  While God has plenty of options to choose from, I am humbled He let me be a part of this ministry.  One day, someone else will be sitting in my pew at the Church.  But today, I choose to rejoice on the learning and experience this ministry has offered me.  Thank you, Jesus, for proving me that Your grace discriminates no one and welcomes an inexperienced like me to serve You.  Thank you, LORD, for allowing our English Service to turn TWO.

And this is a quick HELLO from Ci Fina (in France) for our English Service.  Thank you, Ci, for remembering us.

May this be a blessing!

Friday, February 05, 2010


I wrote yesterday about God rebuked me when I said stuff out of my doubt and frustration.  Though I accomplished my goal to make my fellow servant persevere the situation, I didn't do it in a loving and encouraging way.  I would have put my fellow servant in a torturing 2010!  Those words I said must have caused my fellow servant a nightmare (even though my fellow servant kindly didn't admit that :o) ).  God meant and was determined to bring triumph over it.  And I'm glad He did it.  Thank you, Father.

This is one of the many strings of rebuking events that God brought to my attention:

The Power of Words

A careless word may kindle strife;
A cruel word may wreck a life.
A bitter word may hate instill;
A brutal word may smite and kill.
A gracious word may smooth the way;
A joyous word may light the day.
A timely word may lessen stress;
A loving word may heal and bless.

Author Unknown

Oh boy oh boy, what a constant work in progress I am!  Many temptations will come my way in the future.  But I'm just rejoicing of the one triumph God just brought for me and will continue to trust Him my future.

May this be a blessing.

Thursday, February 04, 2010


I believe that the Satan means no good to us at all.  It intends to separate instead of to unite us by imprinting doubts.

I would proclaim that I am blessed to be given the opportunity to serve in English Service alongside several best friends this year.  Our English Service just turned 2 years old this month by the way.  Yayyyy, Happy Birthday, Church!  As our English Service grows, more challenges will come our way.  We have been aware of that and do anticipate that. 

Two days ago, God allowed Satan to put major doubt in me.  With 2010 servants transitioning to the new areas of ministry and cleaning up their "new desk," a lot of adjustments need to be done and processes to streamline.  Oh boy, let me tell you how I just want to grip on God's hands even harder than before.  At a blink of an eye, to-do lists have been piling up on our "desks" and making it even harder to see each other's faces over the stack and across "the desk."  Overwhelmed as the world would call it.  Yes, that's the stage that a fellow servant and myself were experiencing two days ago.

Finally, the piles just collapsed; and my fellow servant asked, "Are you sure you want me to do this?  Do you not want to find another person with the background instead?  I don't think I'm fitting for this."

Those questions hit me down to the bottom of the valley.  I experienced major doubt; and I also felt doubted by someone I trust to go alongside with me through ups and downs.  I was too scared of losing my fellow servant.  Way too early in the process to experience a burnout.  

At that moment, I became more aware of and focused on my weaknesses than believing in God's grace -- which has been providing me with deliverance all along.  To my defense, my wall started to rise up to the ceiling; and I responded with a 20% milder version of Nike's motto "Can you just please give me your best?" a.k.a. "Just do it!"  Oh boy, what a nightmare I had caused my fellow servant that day.

Though I was successful to make my fellow servant "persevere" the situation, I knew deep down I didn't do it the right way.  I didn't do it in an encouraging or inspirational way as I should have.  God rebuked me big time that night.  My doubt had consumed me; and I was determined to let God bring the triumph over it.  And He did.

Yesterday, my fellow servant and I had a God-given phone call to resolve this "mess."  The whole thing was a great learning experience for both of us.  Our relationship has been made stronger than ever before.  We're more committed to go through the "piles" together; and from this time forward, we choose to let God pick the pile for us.  Though there are many tasks that will require us to step out of our comfort zone and intimidate us due to our lack of background/experience, I am not afraid and pray that God will continue to triumph over my doubt.

Let me end this sharing with the verse my fellow servant wants us to hold on to:

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." -- Proverbs 27:17.

May this be a blessing!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


My coworker Nadine is growing a pot of roses.  I, on the other hand, have been having a wonderful time observing the roses' life cycle.

Below is the picture I took today.  Notice how the left rose is bigger than the right one?  Last Friday, the right one had the biggest bloom in the pot.  It was 4 cm open.  The left one, on the other hand, was just 3.5 cm open.  Yesterday (Monday) when we came into the office, while the left one had grown into 4.5 cm, the right one remained at 4 cm.  Today, the left one is 5 cm open.  On the other hand, the right one remains at 4 cm.

So I observed what is happening.  I then found that the left one has more petals in the middle; and the right one isn't that "bushy."  The more petals a rose has in the middle, the bigger it will open because the inside will continue to push it to open.  Well, that makes sense.

I think this is a good example of what is written in the Bible that what is in the heart reflects the kind of a person we are.  Your heart is bitter, you'll come out as a cranky person.  Your heart is full of joy, you'll come out as a happy person.  Your heart is content with God's grace, you will eagerly seek to bless others.  

Hmm, what is in my heart -- I wonder?  What is in your heart?  Will we continue to fill our hearts with the richness of God's love for us OR will we be a "stuck" living creature just like Nadine's right rose? 

"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man." -- Proverbs 27:19

Nadine's roses on February 2, 2010

May this be a blessing!

Monday, February 01, 2010


Inspired by my grandma and my mom who is a green thumb, I've attempted to grow plants several times in my life; perhaps since I was in high school.  Unfortunately, I was a black thumb!!!!!  I killed plants.

My first plants were yellow banana cactus and green footprint cactus I bought in Puncak.  People believe that cacti require VERY minimal maintenance.  The gardener who I bought the cacti from told me that I only needed to water them a tablespoon a week.  One weekend, I went back to Sukabumi to visit my parents.  Thus, I left my cacti unwatered.  The following week when I returned, I watered each of them 2 tablespoons to make up from the previous week that I forgot.  When I got up the next morning, I found a very shocking view of my rotten cacti.  I killed them!  I called my mom that morning; and she laughed at me.  Telling me that I totally didn't inherit her green thumb nature.

The second plant I attempted to grow was an aloe.  My mom told me that the thinner the leaf, the more it will require maintenance and water to grow.  Same story happened to how I killed my cacti.  I thought that aloe would need more water than cacti, so I watered my aloe double.  There died my second plant .. an aloe.

I felt discouraged by then.  Seven years later, I decided that I would overcome my black thumb syndrome by planting again.  I started with 2 aloes I got from Ci Julia Tan at church.  Two months later, they're bigger and growing in my pots.  So I added 3 more pots of aloes.  A year later, they're still growing in my balcony.  None had died!  Thanks to Vicky who shared with me some of her plant nutrition to keep my aloes healthy.

In celebration of my aloes' first birthday, I introduced a new member to my plants family: a Golden Pothos.  These are the pictures of its growth at 6 weeks.  Right now, I only have 5 leaves and tiny bit of roots.  Hopefully I get to pot it soon when I have enough roots.

So I may not be a green thumb yet.  However, I'm slowly overcoming my black thumb nature.

May this be a blessing!


Why using What's Up?  This question has been on my mind lately.  Though it is a convenient term to use, I have unsettling feeling about using or being greeted with "What's up."

I looked up a dictionary this morning and found several definitions for "What's up":
1) The short version of "what is the update?"
2) A term used when people back in the day were astounded with the sky
3) A slag used in 1930s for "occupied with or busy with"

Unfortunately, "What's up" has commonly replaced the term "Hi" or "Hello."  I found that "What's up" is a short cut; it's too convenient to use.  If we pay attention closely, responses to "What's up" would be like "Nothing," "You know ..." or "Same 'ol same 'ol."  Would we expect "What's up" to lead us into a deeper, longer, or a more intimate conversation with the other party?

 Wouldn't it be nicer if we show that we really care when we ask or greet someone?  Instead of using "What's up", wouldn't it be nicer to use:
  • "Hello" or "How are you?" to greet someone
  • "Did you have a great weekend?" to welcome co-workers to a new week .. new Monday
  • "How can I help you?" if someone's needing our assistance
  • "Honey, how is your day going?" for a husband who is interrupted with a call from his wife
  • "You're home!  How was work, Honey?" for a wife who is greeting her husband at the door
  • "Is everything alright?" to catch up with friends
  • "I miss you.  Have you been healthy?" to open a conversation with parents
Oh boy, I'm glad God never "What's up" me when I come to Him to pray.  He's always open to my concern, questions, discussion, and praises.  God's response to my call is always settling in my heart.  He really is there for me, to invest time on me and to let me discover Him more.

With that great attention I'm getting from God, would I be using "What's up" to respond to others?  Would you?

May this be a blessing!