Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Two months after I joined Marcel in San Jose, our Church "gave birth" to the English Service which is targeted for non-Indonesian speaking congregations.  Prior to becoming an English Service, the congregations had been meeting at a less frequent basis in an English Fellowship environment.  Many faithful brothers and sisters started this Fellowship years before that and slowly grew it.  Finally our elders gave it a GO for the Fellowship to meet at a more regular basis (weekly) and call it a Service.

This year, on February 3, 2010, our English Service turned TWO!!!!  Happy birthday, Church!!

I'm very delighted to be a part of English Service -- to experience the ups and downs in growing a Church.  The process hasn't always been easy nor has it always been filled with lots of laughter.  I've contributed my shares in the challenging side of it as well.  While God has plenty of options to choose from, I am humbled He let me be a part of this ministry.  One day, someone else will be sitting in my pew at the Church.  But today, I choose to rejoice on the learning and experience this ministry has offered me.  Thank you, Jesus, for proving me that Your grace discriminates no one and welcomes an inexperienced like me to serve You.  Thank you, LORD, for allowing our English Service to turn TWO.

And this is a quick HELLO from Ci Fina (in France) for our English Service.  Thank you, Ci, for remembering us.

May this be a blessing!

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