Friday, July 09, 2010


I took a day off this past Tuesday.  At first, Marcel and I were planning to go out of town for our anniversary.  But his work called him for an immediate-deadline task.  While Marcel was at work, I did some gardening.  

Awhile back, I shared with you my Valentine's gift from Marcel.  A tree with 4 Bromeliads.  Here is the picture of the Bromeliads when I got them 5 months ago.

Over the next few months, the red on my Bromeliads started to fade.  And the edges started to brown and curl.  My mother in-law said that they needed to be taken outside to get more sunlight.  So I did it.  Yes, they didn't curl as fast as before.  However, they didn't seem to look healthier either.

I did my research on Google and found that Bromeliads would die after they bloom (bloom = the red leaves) and produce pups (baby Bromeliads).  The cycle from growing leaves to producing pups takes about 2 years.  Well, I wasn't sure how old were my Bromeliads when I got them.  I was just too excited of getting new plants at the time.  HEHEHE.  The thing is, I didn't see any pups.  All I could see was the red continued to disappear leaving me with 4 pots of green Bromeliads.  :-(

AND THEN!!!  This past Tuesday I was gardening and cleaning my outdoor "garden" (well, not really, my patio I meant).  Guess what I found?  I found 6 pups from the 4 Bromeliads I have.  Below are the pictures of each Bromeliad.  The pups are still soooooooooo little.  They are probably hard to see.  Only the pups from the second Bromeliad that you could see clearlier cause they are relatively bigger.  YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.  I can't wait to see them grow big enough for me to re-pot.  :-)

[Click to enlarge]

May this be blossoming!

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