Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Marcel and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day.  However, this past Valentine's Day (or the day before rather), the Rustams invited us to go to Interior Plant Design to check out some plants at a discounted rate.  Since I've been really into growing plants, I asked Marcel if I could go with the Rustams.  To my surprise, Marcel answered that he would come along to get me some plants home.  Yayyy.  And THIS means that he's giving up his weekend soccer entertainment for me .. me me me me me.

So ... here goes my Valentine's gift from hubby this year:

The tree in the middle was hand-picked by my one and only Marcel.  He made me proud and happy!!!  Why did he choose that tree?  Because it looks manly with the big trunks and sturdy posture!  Now, don't ask me the tree's name.  I forgot it the second the store owner told me its Latin name.  I have a very selective hearing huh?

 Helping me add a feminin touch to the tree, the store owner picked Bromeliads for me (a gardening newby) and set them around the pots.

Now, every morning I enjoy waking up to a fresher air in the living room and greeting my plants, "Good morning, Babies!!!  Mommy's up already.  Do you want to eat?"  [Then I open the blind to let the sun light in for their breakfast.]

Ahhhhh, what a gift to enjoy!!!  Thank you, Hubby, for the gift.  Thank you, God, for the blessing of understanding hubby and beautiful plants.

So, if you live in the Bay Area, go and check Interior Design Plant out every second Saturday from 9:00am to 11:00am.

May this be a blessing!

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