Monday, June 28, 2010


month ago, I shared a blog entry about a great news pertaining my dear friend Evelyn and her family.  Today, I received an email from her letting me know that her 2 babies and herself are starting to settle down in China.  They are finally reunited as a complete family.  :-)  What a joy!!!

And here are some pictures of the babies in their new apartment in China.  What a fancy modern-looking apartment they live in!!!  And look at those cute outfits!!!  I miss my Wei Wei and Xuan Xuan.  When do I get to see them again?  I hope not too long from now.

Wei has Daddy's face but Mommy's cute legs and toes.

When I showed this photo to my sister, she responded, "Oh my gosh, Xuan is all hair!  So cute!  Like a mini Evelyn!"

Awwwww ... brotherly love!

May these cute photos brighten up your Monday!

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