Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Have you ever heated up your strong smell lunch in the office?  The one with curry, onion, garlic, cabbage, shrimp paste, stinky bean (read: pete), or other smelly ingredients?  Well, that lunch probably only smells and tastes good for you.  But your co-workers probably don't appreciate the smell that contaminate the office air and/or the microwave.

What do you do?

Take a cup of tap water and heat it up in the microwave for about 2 minutes.  The steam will catch the smelly particles from the air and de-smell the microwave.  

Now your co-workers can heat up his/her food in the microwave without having to worry that the smell of your food will contaminate his/her.

If you want, you can also drop a wedge of lemon in the tap water.  As you heat up, the steam will send a lemony fragrant to the air.  :-)

May you find this helpful!


Fonda said...

hm....i thought this is dangerous.....

My p-chem professor said that it is not safe to heat water in the microwave because it heats up the molecules into meta-stable state which could result in violent reaction once it gets nucleated....

Wow....I actually remember what I learned in school! *teary eyes*
That's all I remember from Prof. Groves' class :P

For same reason, you should be really careful when heating your coffee in the microwave.

Yanny said...

Bonda, you're actually pretty geeky!! Hahaha.

Kiki said...

O o... we have been heating up Max's milk on the microwave then he'd count two three two three then end... ngak boleh donk ya

Unknown said...

Actually, the dangerous part from heating liquid(water) in microwave is the explosion possibility :p. Because it won't bubble up as it is boiling. The safest way to do it is using a wide mouth container, and not longer than 2 minutes. I usually heat my water only for one minute each time.

175DesignStudio said...

chiming in ya yan, since i just found out about your blog today! ^^... actually to prevent explosion while heating water, put in non metal spoon like contraption (i use bamboo chopstick) in the water. so i wonder if we use the lemon everytime, this might help avoid the explosion episode. thanks for the tips btw!