Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Last week on his birthday, Marcel got the following email from Elianne.

[Click to enlarge]

Of course the email put a big smile on Marcel's face.  Elianne is definitely an extra ordinary 4-year old.  She's very unique and compassionate for her age.  Look at how she offered to give Marcel a gift!

On Sunday (3 days after the email), Elianne approached Marcel and showed her purse to him.  In her purse, she had a $20 bill.  While showing the money, she said, "Uncle Marcel, look!"

Marcel looked at the money but didn't understand, "Wahhh, so much money, Baby!"

Elianne, "This is for me to treat you.  We go Pinkberry later OK?"

Then Marcel finally clicked.  He remembered Elianne's promise several days before that.  Baby then showed me the money too, "Cici Yanny, later Pinkberry ok?"  I was confused at the beginning like Marcel's reaction.  And I clicked later on too.  Ci Rini (Elianne's mom) heard and saw everything.  She smiled from the distance.

Right after the Church, Elianne looked for Marcel, "Come on, Uncle.  Let's go Pinkberry!"

Marcel, "But it's raining now, Baby.  If we go Pinkberry, you'll be wet cause we can't sit inside."

Elianne, "No, we can go to Borders.  I read book.  You eat Pinkberry ok?" [She's really good in following through huh?  Promise is a promise to her.  Rain or shine!]

Off the 5 of us to Pinkberry.  :-)  When the counter lady gave us the total, Elianne took out her $20 from the purse and paid.  The lady said, "Awww, she's so cute!"  HAHAHA.  Then, Elianne put the change back in her purse.

Marcel, "Thank you, Baby, for the treat!"

Elianne, "You're welcome, Uncle Marcel!  Happy Birthday!"  [HAHAHAHA]

While at Borders, Ko Paul (Elianne's dad) shared with Marcel, "You know, I asked her yesterday, 'Elianne, you want to treat Uncle Marcel?  How?  Daddy doesn't give you money.'  And then Elianne said, 'Remember, Daddy, my hong bao (red envelope from Chinese New Year) money?  Can I get the money please?'  So she used her hong bao money today."

 WOWWWWWWWWW.  I was so amazed at that!  Or Marcel would say, "She never stops to amaze me each week!"  Ci Rini and Ko Paul taught her very very very well.  It shows through Elianne's actions!  At 4, she already puts other before her, knows how to plan and follow through, and keeps a promise.

It has been my privilege to see her grow and testify her uniqueness.  The treat was Marcel's only birthday treat this year.  Thanks to the Tjams for making Marcel's 2?'s birthday unforgettable.  :-)

May this be a blessing!

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