Tuesday, April 06, 2010


I am a wife who has been blessed with husband who always thinks that going to work is fun.  It's like a daily recreation for him.  :-)  Coding and helping coworkers and partners (developers from another companies) succeed drive him to get up and go to work every morning.  It is a blessing to be around such a positive worker like Marcel.  He often inspires me to be a better worker.

Earlier today, Marcel got buzzed by one of the partners.  For me, reading this kind of note acknowledges that Marcel's positive attitude towards work (and helping others) has blessed not only me as his wife, but also many people out there.

[Click to enlarge]

I am so proud of you, Hubby!  Keep up the good work.  It's your ministry.  And don't forget He who is in control.  Thank you, Father, for the blessing of hubby with positive attitude.

May this be a blessing!

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