Sunday, April 18, 2010


I had a new company this past weekend while Marcel's gone.  It's Katelyn (KK).  We went to BBQ at Vasona Park, eat Blizzard at Dairy Queen, play with Miso at Nana's place and finally watch Up! at my place.

At first, she was really shy.  But she was getting more talkative towards the end that I could hardly keep up with her funny comments.  Here are some of her random comments I'd like to share with you:

In the car on the way to Vasona Park 
Ie Ie Yanny, "K, are you feeling hot?"

KK, "It was snowing in Cupertino.  I went sliding.  Mommy loved it."

[I thought to myself, "REALLY?  I didn't see that!"  OK, next topic.]

While chasing her to eat at Vasona Park
Ie Ie Yanny, "K, let's eat some noodles before you play again ok?"

KK, "My mommy said that I ate already."

[I thought to myself, "Hmm, that can't be true.  If she did eat, it's probably breakfast.  It's only 11:30am.  She couldn't have eaten lunch but is hungry enough from breakfast."  So I insisted to feed her]

[One and half bowls later, the one who said already ate FINALLY felt full]

At Dairy Queen while talking about her baby brother Kevyn
Ie Ie Yanny, "K, are you happy being a big sister to Kevyn?"

KK, "My mommy said I'm funny.  If Kevyn cries, I laugh.  If Kevyn eats, I laugh.  If Kevyn sleeps, I laugh.  My mommy said I'm funny."

[Nana and I did not see the connection between the question and the answer.  Ok next question.]

At Dairy Queen while talking about her school
Ie Ie Yanny, "K, do you like going to school?"

KK, "I have buds you know."

Ie Ie Yanny, "Buds?  You mean like flower buds?  Your school has a lot of flowers?"

KK, "Buds like 'my people' you know."

Ie Ie Yanny and Aunty Nana, "Ohhh, buddies!!!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I see I see."

Photo taken by Nana

Lots of her answers were pretty random.  But they gave me and Nana a good laugh!!!  :-)

May this turn your frown upside down!


Unknown said...

hahahhaa.... children are so pure. so precious.

Anh said...

hahaha she's so random indeed :))