Friday, April 02, 2010


Previous lesson learned

I think the whole accident situation has traumatized Marcel more than me.  

For me to see the physical recovery on my body really helps.  Every hour when I see the swellings go down and the pain decreases, I feel better about the situation.  It came to the point when I was praying, "Wow, thank you Father because my recovery pace is faster than my worsening pace."  I get better each hour this week.  However, last week, every day I was getting worse.  When Ci Nanny from our Church (oh, she's a nurse by the way if that matters) saw my speedy recovering bruises and abrasions, she said, "See, even in an unfortunate situation, a child of God is always protected!"  I smiled on her encouraging word.  It's true!!!  It's a reminder for me!!

But for Marcel, he's been struggling with regret and feeling of helplessness.  He told me that every time he blinks or rests his eyes for a little while, he starts to think, "I wish I was the one," "I wish I could protect her," "I wish I could stop it," and "I wish I didn't ask her to go biking with me that day."  I think the only thing that can make him feel better right now is to see me back on Mercy and bike to my deepest joy!  And he knows it will be a little longer before I get to that point.

When I asked Marcel what is God trying to teach him through this experience, he answered me, "God wants me to know that He is in control.  There are only so much that I can control with my own power and strength; even if it is to protect my family.  I feel like in my life to date, if I want to accomplish or be something, I just need to study or work hard; and I would get it or be one.  I rarely face rejection or suffering.  Sometimes with all those luxuries, I forget who's really in control and who enables me to be who I am today."

This incident has been a really good lesson for both me and Marcel.  These two crooked pencils are being sharpened!

Do you need any sharpening today?  You don't need to be in an accident to go through that process (and I pray you don't k).  It does not need a drastic change.  It could go as simple as in your daily task.  He's got all the sharpening tools needed.  All that God asks is yourself.  Will you give it today?  If yes, shoot me an email and I would love to be praying for you.

May this be a blessing! 

Next lesson learned

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