Saturday, March 27, 2010


Previous scene

The feeling of waking up the next morning was quite a mixed feeling.  Happy for a new day.  But my body wasn't cooperating.  My shoulders were stiff.  Pain in legs and arms increased greatly.  Minor pain in the lower back.  Oh, I could not wait for the doctor's appointment later that afternoon.

Marcel transported me to work and hospital in addition to taking care of all accident-related administrative stuff.  Oh, what a sacrifice he's done for his family!  Thank youuuuuuuu, Jesus, for Marcel.

While waiting for Wanda (my doctor's nurse) to call me in, Marcel and I had the opportunity to chat with Theo and his granddaughter Lydia.  He's a Worship Leader at a Filipino church in Milpitas.  In contrary to majority's belief, Theo isn't a Filipino.  He's African American.  AMAZING HOW GOD CAN USE HIS PASSION!!!  When he found out I'm from Indonesia, he asked, "Wow, you surprised me!  I don't expect an Indonesian to wear the kind of necklace you have [a cross necklace]!"

Yanny, "Yes, I'm glad I found it [my salvation; not the necklace]."

Theo, "Where did you find it?"

Yanny, "Here.  Not at home."

Theo, "I'm glad you came to the U.S. and found it.  And I pray that you will bring it home to your family!"

We continued to have a great chat and exchanged emails in the next 10 minutes.  I even got a kiss from Lydia as she sat on my lap and played with me.  That little 18 months old Lydia surely had made me forgot about my pain!

Next, Marcel and I were in Doctor Karry's office.  She did a thorough test on me and addressed all the new pain I was experiencing.  Before sending me home, she told me that I cannot and should not bike for the next 8 weeks due to the internal swelling and tissue damage I have.  This, of course, made me so emotional.  I cried in denial.  She asked if I could share what part of her statement that bothered me.  I then shared how special biking is for me and the joy of being able to overcome the childhood trauma.  She assured me that I will be back on biking in no time and the trauma will never haunt me down ever again.  With a prescription, wrist support, and ice pack, I left the hospital and went back to the office.

From the time I left Doctor Karry's office, my pain slowly increased that I could not stretch my right knee or turn my body.  I was like a limping robot :-).  But today, I'm already playing with Jacob.  Praise the Lord!

To close this entry, I am grateful for the best outcome in an unfortunate situation and a new friend.  I believe the opportunity I had to meet and chat with Theo was not a coincidence.  At this time, however, I am still unable to put pieces together.  I look forward to the coming months and years to see what God will unfold before my eyes.

Thank you for sticking around to Marcel and my journey this week.  This scene is the last scene.  If you would like to find out our lessons learned, please check back later.  There were so much that Marcel and I have had a chance to reflect on.  We look forward to sharing the blessing we received from this experience with you.

May this be a blessing! 

First lesson learned


Unknown said...

Sorry I am late to know about your accident. Glad that you r okay today

iRene said...

yanny.. glad you are okay.. keep praying for your complete recovery ya...