Thursday, March 25, 2010


Previous scene

OK, so it was my first trip in an ambulance right.  I was strapped to the bed and pulled inside.  I was accompanied by 2 paramedics: Tony and Zach.  Tony stayed the whole time with me at the back: checking me, filling out paperwork, comforting me, and stabilizing me.  Zach drove the ambulance and informed the hospital that we're coming.  It was quite hectic inside.

My first impression of the ambulance was, "WOW, this car is cool!"  Tony laughed at my statement, "First time?"  U-huh.  The ambulance got me quite excited there!!  :-)

After awhile, I started to calm down a lot and began chatting with Tony.  I remembered asking him, "Do you think I will make it in time for American Idol?"

Tony shook his head and laughed, "Yanny, I think it's on in 5 minutes.  Sorry, I think you have to miss it tonight.  But how do you feel right now?  What is the pain level?"

I said, "Zero."

Tony asked, "No pain?"

I said, "Not that I can feel at this moment."

So he checked me again and said that my adrenaline level was really high.  He explained to me that the adrenaline had numbed my pain.  Once it's gone, I will get really sore and painful.

While Tony was preparing the hospital paperwork, I was keeping myself occupied and singing, "This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me.  This joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me.  This joy that I have the world didn't give it to me.  The world didn't give it.  The world can't take it away."

Tony then said, "Nervous of the hospital?  Don't be.  The good thing is that you're the healthiest and most cheerful patient I have today.  That's a good thing!"

I smiled and asked him to take a picture of me.  I told him that one of these days, I may need to tell my parents and my husband's of what happened.  If they don't see it and just hear the story, they may be more worried.  So I want to show them a proof that I was alright after all.  So Tony took pictures of me.

It's blurry because of the bumpy trip.


I was strapped and covered with a tarp.

I had a great talk with Tony after that: about road biking, my nationality, Bali, Marcel, and the cool ambulance.  Before we knew it, we're there at Kaiser Santa Clara's ER.

To close this blog entry, I'm grateful for friendly paramedics (and a cool ambulance)!  They're like angels God sent to me: to comfort me and make me forget about the pain for a bit.  Thank you, Tony and Zach.  Consider your positive attitude as your ministry to other patients.  They will be as blessed as me I'm sure.  Thank you, Jesus, for sending me your deliverance. 

Stay tuned for the next scene!  I told 'ya I have lots to share.

May this be a blessing! 

Next scene


Fonda said...

Yanny, hope you are doing alright now. Fonda is praying for you =)

Yanny said...

Thank you, Bonda, for your prayer support. :-)