Thursday, March 25, 2010


Greetings, Everyone!  Hey, I'm glad it's Thursday.  That means Sunday is coming soon - my favorite day of the week because I get to meet lots of friends and kids at Church.  :-)  But this coming Sunday is especially special because it is going to be the Palm Sunday.  That means, Easter is coming - a big celebration of Jesus' sacrifice for you and me :-) 

While waiting for Sunday to come, I have a little update to share with you.  I was in a biking accident 2 days ago.  After work, Marcel and I went biking.  Three feet away from our apartment's entrance, I was hit by a car.  

How did it happen you may ask?  As the car and I were approaching the driveway located next to my apartment's entrance, she stopped; I stopped.  I thought she's making way for me to cross.  But later on we found out that she was actually looking left for the incoming traffic before exiting the driveway and entering the street.  I, on the other hand, was coming from her right.  So she didn't see me stopping.  Three quarters into the front of her car, I saw the car moved.  And *baaammmm*, my bike and I were swept from the left and thrown onto her hood.  We landed on my left arm.

The lady was shocked and braked really hard resulting in my bike and I to be thrown to the other side towards the middle of the street.  Praise the Lord incoming cars were quick to respond; and the traffic was light.  They managed to move to another lane avoiding another collision with me who was unable to move.

At that time, I saw Marcel pedaling as fast as he could towards me.  He unlocked himself from the bike and ran towards me.  When he picked me up from the street, my whole body was shaking; and my legs couldn't be moved.  All I could remember was I kept holding on to my right thigh.  The pain was very severe in that area.  The lady finally came out of the car and offered to call the 911 for us.

Within 5 minutes later, three police cars, an ambulance, and a fire department came to the rescue.  All of us were interrogated.  The paramedics checked on me really quickly and took me to the Emergency Room.  Marcel, however, was left at the scene to take care of the police report and other paperwork.  It was my first trip in an ambulance.

I still have so much to share with you from this experience.  So stay tuned for more "scenes."  To conclude this scene, I am just grateful to be able to move around on my own again.

May this be a blessing. 

Next scene


Kiki said...

oh noooooo.... I'm so sorry to hear what happened. But glad to know that you still can write this. Please let us know how we can be a help ya. Praying for you, Yan. Much love, Kiki & Max-ie

bpattyj said...

oohhhh my hair are all standing when reading the story.. pray for you too, yanny! dont ever give up ya yanny!!! thank you for sharing the blog! - patty & calie