Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm sure you're all familiar with Spiritual Gifts right?  For some who just heard about it the first time, Spiritual Gifts are gifts given to each individual for service and building up the body of Christ.  I took a Spiritual Gifts assessment about 4 years ago.  Hey, it's about time for a little refresher.  So I took 2 assessments several weeks ago.

The results from the two assessments were pretty consistent and accurate for me.  I have 2 gifts that really stood out.  But they are not the reason I'm writing this blog entry.  I'm writing because of one of the gifts I am REALLY weak at - that is being MERCIFUL.

So in my search to finding what it takes to be merciful, I first looked up a dictionary and found several definitions for "mercy":
  1. Compassion shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power
  2. A blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion
  3. Something for which to be thankful
Then, I went to find what the Bible says about it.  I was pondering on Luke 6 as the Bible taught me about some characteristics of a merciful person:
  1. Loving one's enemies
  2. Doing good to those who hate one without hoping anything in return
  3. Blessing those who curse one
  4. Praying for those who spitefully use one
Isn't "mercy" a powerful word?  A powerful characteristic that comes with a great responsibility!  It's time for a Christ-likeness check.  This is definitely a MAJOR area I need to work on.  I don't want to be a merciless woman when I grow older.  I don't think my husband and kids (in the future) will appreciate a merciless wife/mommy.  My merciless characteristic is a potential stumbling block to my loved ones and those around me.

So I prayed this verse:

"Therefore [Yanny] be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." -- Luke 6:36

Stay tuned for this work in progress woman.  It's going to be a long ride.  I'm hanging tight, oh, Lord!

Curious to find your Spiritual Gifts?  Need a little refresher?  Check out Team Ministry or Koda Chrome.

May this be a blessing!

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