Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well, the title could be very deceiving. I don't have garden where I live.  Just a VERY sufficient patio to nurture some potted plants I have.  :-)

Until recently, this patio had faithfully housed our bikes and 5 pots of Aloe.  Afraid of accidentally ruined already-oh-so-organized bikes storing system Marcel put in place, I often found it challenging to spend time with my aloe plants in the patio.  Since Aloe are very low maintenance, I used to go and visit them in the patio every other week.  

One day, when Marcel saw that I almost did an acrobatic move -- you know .. the one with one hand holding the water pitcher, one foot half way in the air, the other foot was behind the bikes while the other hand was suspending the whole body against the wall and across the bikes -- to get to my Aloes in the patio, he decided to move the bikes to the storage room.  Awwww, how nice of him huh?  The next thing I knew, the patio's clear.  No bikes.  Just 5 pots of my Aloes.  These Aloes used to be hidden all the way to the far corner so that the bikes could go in and out easily.  Now, I could go in and out the patio easily and spend time with my plants.

Here goes my outdoor "garden" specially created by my one and only hubby Marcel: 

 My 5 pots of Aloe and the newly added Cymbidium Orchid.  They don't normally stay at the edges -- just this time for a "family picture."  They normally stay peacefully on the patio's ground.  I also trimmed my Aloes too before this "family picture."  They were a little bit "gondrong" (read: hairy) before that.

 My Cymbidium Orchid purchased from a local grower at the Orchid Festival in Vallco Mall.  I got it for $5 only - quite cheap.

With the "garden" specially made by hubby and healthy plants to grow, I never knew that gardening could be this refreshing.  No wonder my mom loves gardening. 

May this be a blessing!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

O..o... auntie Yanny, you should visit Liony/ Neiman's place one day. They have such a beautiful garden that inspired me to have my own garden. Thank you for sharing your lovely mini garden with us.