Wednesday, March 17, 2010


It's 2 days shy from my grandchild's one month birthday.  Let me share with you an exciting update.

Today, the 0.5-cm limb/stem that came out over a week ago has started to unroll its leaf.  Look how much my grandchild has grown!!  I don't know if you can see it clearly from the photo below.  But my grandchild has outgrown the 5 other leaves -- the one old leaf is shown below; the one without the text bubble -- that I picked to start the regeneration.  It's at least 1.5 times bigger.  It still has deep green color and waxy coat over its surface.  I was wowed by it.  I feel like it's been grown from different parents, you know!  So different: bigger and healthier.  I wonder how the second one (the one in the middle) will grow into.

Left: Look at this when it just popped out of the main stem.
Middle: The new leaf grown from my first grandchild.
Right: One of the 5 old leaves that I replanted in December 2009.

I told you it's not hard to grow this Golden Pothos.  Great plant to start overcoming your black thumb nature.  :-)

May this be a blessing!

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