Tuesday, March 09, 2010


It's been18 days from the first time my Golden Pothos popped a new stem.  Today, the leaf has grown into its fullest size.  However, it still curls a little bit.  It's not fully flat open yet.  The stem is now becoming the main stem which will (I think) produce another stem from it.

 Look at how healthy the leaf's complexion is.  It is very waxy and has a deep green color compared to the other leaves.

Guess what I found today?  A new tiny limb coming out of it.  Will this be a new stem?

It amazes me how my Golden Pothos has grown.  I'm a proud grandma with a healthy baby grandchild.  I enjoy watching and learning from its growth cycle.  

When I showed my grandchild to my co-worker Nadine, she asked, "Look at that!!  I wonder what makes it grow so quickly?"

Hmmm, not sure really.  I water it once a week only.  No fertilizer; just regular water.  I haven't been touching it (per my Mom's ultimatum).  I think it's because I've been regularly talking to my plants: telling them to grow and being healthy?  I don't know.  Maybe my Golden Pothos' love language is Words of Affirmation like mine.  :-)  Like grandma like grandchild!  Hehehe.

Whatever the reason is, I really enjoy taking care of this plant.  And I highly recommend this plant to anyone who wants to overcome their black thumb nature like me.  It's very easy to maintain.  Maybe when I have enough leaves in my current Golden Pothos, I will offer a chunk of its stem for reproduction by whomever is interested.  I'll keep you posted!

May this be a blessing!


Kiki said...

We want some please....

Yanny said...

Sure sure, Ci. I'll cut it for you yah.

Kiki said...

Yan, ngak jadi thank you so much. Udah dikasih sama Bobo waktu ke tempat mereka last time. TQ