Wednesday, September 01, 2010


Our training team was down to 3 from 4 members this past weekend.  :-(  As always, we tried to hit the road as early as possible so that our friend could make it home by noon.

Initially, we wanted to try Old La Honda route on Saturday.  So Marcel and I went to survey the route on Friday by car.  However, the downhill was too dangerous for an amateur like me.  It was a 2-way winding busy highway (CA 84) with some 180 degree right turns (yeah, they're more like u-turns to me).  I don't think I'm ready yet for that kind of route.  So for everyone's safety, we cancelled Old La Honda and did Mt. Eden - Pierce Rd.

Marcel and I were attempting Mt. Eden - Pierce Rd. back in early July 2010.  But we couldn't slow down enough to make a safe left turn to Mt. Eden; and Marcel's chain was broken.  So we ended up heading home.  Praise the Lord, this time the traffic was really light; and we're able to finish the route.

There were 3 hills with the average of 12% grade (elevation).  I must say, this route - by far - is the most torturous one for me.  The guys were so fast.  I think the training and the biking shoes really helped them to be efficient.  I still didn't have my biking shoes on.  I need to train more to wear those.  So I ended up slowing the team down.  The guys literally had to wait for me at the hill top for a good 5 - 7 minutes each time. 

Anyway, below are our recorded map and climbing profile.  If the weather and my stamina permit, I would love to do this route again before the year ends.

Ride map
The climb profile
Anyone (preferably a female companion) wants to join me for training?

1 comment:

nana <3 said...

wuaaa mommy yanny hebat! :D kmaren kita jalan2 stiap liat org biking say: bye yanny+marcel XD