Wednesday, July 14, 2010

GROWING CHERRY - DAY 3 (07/14/2010)

Day 3 -- Wrap cherry seeds with damp cloth and store in refrigerator

Now that all the seeds are clean, they are ready to be prepped for germination.  To do that, the cherry seeds need around 90 - 120 days of cold damp condition before another 90 - 120 days of warm damp condition.  

So let's start with the cold damp stratification first.  I do this by wrapping the seeds with damp cloth and then placing the wrap in a zipped bag.  Finally, I toss the zipped bag in my refrigerator.

For the next 3 - 4 months, I will continue to check on the wrap to make sure that the cloth remains damp.

I know growing cherries from seeds requires lots of patience.  I also read that cherries grown from seeds won't taste as good as those grown from grafting method.  But let me give myself a try.  I'm fine with whatever these seeds will produce ... either cherry blossoms (cause they are pretty) or cherry fruits (cause I can make them into my cherry garcia ice cream).

At this point, I'm basically in a waiting game.  I may post a monthly update from now on.  Can't wait to see how these turn out to be!!!  Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

May this be blossoming!

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