Wednesday, June 23, 2010


You were in a train.  Since all seats were full, you had to stand.  Without you realizing it, you dropped your cell phone.

Scenario 1
Someone saw you dropped your cell phone and immediately gave it back to you.  How would you respond to that?  Most likely you'd thank him and walk away.

Scenario 2
Someone saw the phone but didn't immediately return it to you.  By the time you were to get off the train, you realized your phone's gone.  At that time, he returned the phone to you.  How would you respond to that?  Most likely you'd thank him with a greater appreciation than Scenario 1.  And then you'd get off the train.

Scenario 3
You didn't realize you had dropped your phone until you got off the train.  You called your number hoping someone nice would pick up the phone and return it to you.  Someone did and agreed to meet you at the next station.  How would you respond?  You'd be thankful for sure and probably give a little appreciation gift to this person.

Scenario 4
After you got off the train, you realized the phone's gone.  You tried to call the number; but no one picked it up.  You sent text messages but had to wait several days before someone finally replied and agreed to meet with you.  How would you respond?  You'd be forever grateful and perhaps give a bigger appreciation gift to this person.

Moral of the story: 
In all the 4 scenarios, you lost the phone; and someone found it for you.  However, out of the 4 scenarios, who is "supposedly" the best person?  The one in Scenario 1 for sure because he immediately returned the phone to you.  Unfortunately, this is the person who received the least reward.  Why?  Because in each scenario, your feeling of losing something increased.  The greater the feeling, the greater your appreciation (towards the person and your possession - the phone).

Today, is there anything you need to be grateful for?  Don't wait till you lose them to start feeling grateful.  Be grateful for what you have including your life while you still have it.  Don't wait till it's gone.  Be grateful for what you have.  Life is filled with happiness ... if we see it through God's eyes.

May this be a blessing!

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