Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Awhile back, Marcel and I were driving home from San Francisco on the not-so-eventful 101.  To kill time, I initiated a game :-).  It didn't have a name.  However, Marcel and I had a great laugh on most of the answers.  It really fosters giving and processing constructive feedback in a fun and less intimidating setting.  Hey, every now and then, we (couples) need some refreshers too, you know.  We don't always know each other that well. :-)  So I call it "our quality time game."  :-)

The game is easy.  One person throws out a question.  Thirty seconds later, shout out the answers together.  Justify the answer if need be.

Yanny: "What is Marcel's strength?"

Yanny, "His driving skills.  He could park in the most impossible spot." (boring answer)

Marcel, "Whatttt?  Now I feel like a born driver!"

Yanny, "Hahaha.  OKOK.  What's your answer?"

Marcel, "My strength is ... (smirking) ... I'm VERY GOOD in finding reasons how we should spend the money.  HA HA HA."

Yes, yes.  Our different spending habit has caused a lot of frustration at home.  He's a spender.  I'm a saver.  He would rather spend $5 on Peet's coffee every day.  I would rather make the coffee at home and keep the extra money for a nice dinner date.  He would buy any new gadget available in the market.  I would wait till the current one is broken before considering to buy a new one (if we need one).  

From belt without holes to police LED flashlight, Marcel always has an endless idea to, "Yanny, I think we should buy this."  

Over the past 3 years, we've learned to compromise with each other.  He would drink the free coffee at the office on weekdays.  I would surprise him during lunch break with a cup of Peet's every now and then.  He would refrain from buying any new gadgets.  I would take him to geeky stores on weekends for him to satisfy his crave.

So all in all, there is no perfect couple in the world.  There is always something behind a closed door.  But hey, if we're both perfect, we don't need each other right?  I'm grateful neither Marcel nor I are flawless.  :-)

May this be a blessing to you!

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