Monday, June 21, 2010

EYE 101

Two days before my birthday, I got eye stye from the bug that accidentally touched my eye on my bike ride to work.  Long story short, I was then in the search for biking glasses.

One life challenge for me is finding (sun)glasses that fit me.  With my flat nose and chubby cheek, my mom often teases me, "Aww, look at those pair of cheek glasses!!!"  Yep, it's all my cheeks that do all the support - not my nose.  But let me take a step back, "How could you say that so casually, MOM!!!!  :o(" (set it at smallest on purpose for those readers with bad eyes to not be able to read it :o) ).

So I've been postponing on getting the biking glasses for 2 years.  After the stye, I said, "THAT'S IT!  I'm getting a pair."  But first, I need to get my eyes checked cause it's been long overdue.  Finally, this past weekend I went to see an Optometrist.  Oh my pow wow!!  I LOVED my new optometrist.  He's funny.  He didn't dilate my eyes like my old optometrists would.  He didn't puff my eyes.  LOVED him.

After the initial test, he told me that I have eye muscles imbalances or fixation disparities in their lingo.  I have what now, Doctor?  In English, my eye balls are misaligned.  At neutral position (while sleeping), the left one would go left.  The right one would go right.  As a result, it takes at least 3 times muscle work to bring these eye balls to work together -- especially to read.  With the extra work, my eyes get tired more easily too.

All of the sudden, I got a light bulb moment, "No wonder I don't like reading, Doc!!!!"  I would fall asleep when reading.  I prefer to study by listening instead of reading.  Now it all clicked to me.  It only took a funny optometrist to figure that out, I guess.  :-)

So the solution to my eyes is to get prism on my prescription.  The prism bends light which eventually act to "fool" my eyes into thinking that they are working together without strain.  Uhh!!!  I get it now.

Anyway, so they are making my biking glasses now with the prescription and prism in 'em.  I'm super excited about it.  In addition, Marcel's getting the matching one; and that I get the Asian fit model.  So HOPEFULLY, no more cheek glasses for my mom.  :-)

Yayyyyyyyyyy.  I consider the stye as a detour to another blessing!  May this be a blessing!


Kiki said...

OOoo yg kamu pake last Sunday ta? Nice one, sister.
Hmmm... maybe Chris needs to have your doctor to check his too because he gives the same reason when he start reading

Yanny said...

Ohh bukan, Ci. Yang aku pake last Sunday tuh yang suka merosot terus. The new one lagi diorderin lensanya. :-) Aku email kamu yahhh tentang dokter mata.