Monday, March 01, 2010


Ten days ago, on a Friday morning, I found a baby stem growing out of my Golden Pothos.  Since then, the baby stem has been growing steadily and healthily.  Thank youuuu, Jesus! 

I shared with my mom about my newly developed confindence in gardening and how proud I have been with my plants.  Of course she's happy for me and said, "You know, when I was younger and just started to garden, I got so excited when I saw a leaf or flower coming out of it.  Then I started to touch it.  Later, the new one died.  You know, it's still so fragile.  It's too young.  It's still trying to develop.  Just like a baby, you know, their head bone isn't completely developed until later.  So you shouldn't be touching their head.  Oh talking about baby, when are you having a REAL baby with Marcel?"

Yanny, "Hmmm, so Mom, no touching the new leaf then?" [Trying to stay in the gardening topic; She is good in slipping the baby thing in]

Mommy, "Yeah, no!"

So this is what my grandchild has grown into in the past 10 days.

The stem now has a leaf that slowly unrolls to open

May this be a blessing!  Happy March!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

so when you'll have your real baby, grandma Yanny? :)