Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Two weeks ago as I pondered on the One Month to Live challenge, God brought to me some thoughts that made me more so grateful for what He's done.

The challenge was to think about and thank the people that you have taken from granted.  About that same time, Pastor Lawrence Fung came to speak in our English Service.  He gave an illustration about buying a car.  Would you prefer to buy a car based on what the salesman "advertises" to you OR what your friend has told you about his/her experience with the car?  For most, it would be based on the friend's testimony about the car because it's the real life experience.  No sugar coat.  Then, Pastor Lawrence stated that we too can share the GOOD NEWS based on our experience with it.

For the next 3 days, something kept coming in to my thoughts.  As I reflected, I asked, "So God, you want me to think about people who had brought me into Salvation?"  Hmmm.  OK.

The next thing I knew, I was emailing my best friend Carol who is now back in Singapore.  In July 2005, Carol invited me to start a Bible Study together.  Without much hesitation, I accepted her invitation.  When I asked Carol in the email why she invited me back then, I was left in awe and full gratitude with her answer.  Carol mentioned that her initial intention was to witness to my other friend.  Since I introduced Carol to my friend, Carol thought she might as well invited me so that my friend would feel more comfortable and that Carol and I could build a stronger personal relationship outside of class.  At the end, it's only me and Carol.  My other friend never joined us for the Bible Study leaving Carol very disappointed. 

Then came September 2005.  I was invited to join another Bible Study by Deborah Lock -- an activist at the Church I was attending at the time.  She had been noticing me in the midst of the Caucasian crowd at the church (of course :o)) and decided to start a Bible Study with me on the Church's behalf.  At the end of the Study session on September 5, 2005, Deb extended the invitation for me to join the Heavenly family :-).  By then, I had been constantly exposed to what God had done in Carol's life.  Carol never stopped sharing her personal experience with God through the Bible Study with me.  As a result, when Deb extended the invitation, I wasn't that surprised or shocked anymore.  I knew and had heard the amazing things God had done for my dear friend Carol.  I wanted to be in that position too.

So I accepted the greatest gift that night of September 5, 2005.  The gift that no man could take away from me.  I prayed the Salvation prayer that night and felt the burden lifted from my shoulder as God took my sins away one by one.  From that day on, I have been a crooked pencil that God has been using to make a beautiful story in His book.

Just like the illustration about the car buying experience, I think God had sent Carol to my side to be that friend who shared the testimony on how the GOOD NEWS changed her.  Little did Carol know that God had used her to minister to me (even though her intention was to my other friend).  So for my One Month to Live challenge, I am grateful for Carol -- one of the people who had led me into my Salvation.  

My life hasn't been the same since September 2005.  It's been quite a ride.  And two weeks ago I just started to see the pattern of how God has been using this crooked pencil that I am.  For that, I am also grateful for the strangers and people that I've overlooked whom God have allowed to cross my path and bring about another blessing!  I was once overlooked; but now I'm found.  A blessing that came unexpectedly and unplanned in human's eyes.

How about you?  Who do you need to thank today?

May this be a blessing!

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