Tuesday, February 16, 2010


After dinner on Sunday, Me Ik wanted to go and spend the night with us.  I thought it's not a bad idea considering that Marcel and I would have a day off on Monday.  So why not?

Then Me Ik went on her persuasion mode.  Standing in the middle of her parents (Ko Hari and Ci Erni), Marcel and I, Me Ik smartly addressed all concerns that Ko Hari brought up to make sure we didn't have a second thought about it:

Ko Hari, "But if you're staying with Aunty and Uncle, you have to take Koko Ce Hong too."

Me Ik, "OK.  Koko can come."

Ko Hari, "But you kick when you sleep.  Are Aunty and Uncle OK with that?"

Me Ik then turned to me and Marcel and said, "I could sleep outside."

Yanny, "Oh, you want to sleep outside?  On Aunty's futon?  By yourself while Koko sleeps with Aunty and Uncle inside?"

Me Ik, "Yes."

Ko Hari, "But what if you pee your pants?"

Me Ik, "I will wake up when I feel it.  Or I can pee before I go to bed."

Ko Hari, "But you snore!"

U-huh.  That's a tough one!!!  Me Ik then turned to me and Marcel while making a "tiny" gesture with her fingers and smirking, "But you can't hear it though!"

We all bursted into laughing.  What a smart kid!!!

May this turn your frown upside down!

1 comment:

Anh said...

She is such a smart kid! It's amazing how they come up with their answers. Aaah, innocent souls!