Friday, February 19, 2010


This past Sunday, we did a mini thanksgiving celebration for the English Service's 2nd anniversary while Pak Hosea was preaching in San Jose.  Unfortunately, many core people who had contributed to the growing of this English Service couldn't be there physically due to the World Christian Conference, Presidents Day weekend, Mission Trip, Children Ministry's performance at Indonesian Service, or teaching in San Francisco (to name a few).  So I want to share a little bit about the thanksgiving celebration we had for those who missed it.

After the Service announcement, we played Ci Fina's video which ended up putting a big smile on oh-so-surprised Pak Hosea's face.  Then, we brought in the Indonesian Cheese Cake sponsored by Bertha as the whole congregation stood up and sang "Happy Birthday to Us."  Pak Hosea then gave his encouragement speech, prayed the Thanksgiving prayer, and blew the candles on our behalf.

During the speech, Pak Hosea mentioned that he daily asks God for:
1) Wisdom in dealing with many aspects of the Church stuff and
2) God's power to enable him to lead not by his experience

To me personally, his speech was like an answered prayer and words of encouragement.   What a timely word!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me -- Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

What a blessed assurance I found in Christ's promise!

May this be a blessing!

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