Sunday, February 14, 2010


Ohhhh guess what happened today?  After Church, Ci Kiki suddenly came towards Marcel as she's holding Baby Tobias.  She asked, "Cel, would you like to hold the baby?"

FYI, concerned that he might hurt the baby, Marcel always hesitated to hold an infant.  Maxie was the only baby under 1 that Marcel dared to hold -- it's all because Maxie would stop crying only when I handed him over to Marcel.  So Marcel put on the kangaroo strap to take Maxie for a walk so that he would stop crying.  Even so, Maxie never went to sleep when Marcel's around.  Since then, Marcel never wanted to take the chance to hold an infant if it's not too urgent.  He is THAT scared of the danger of hurting the baby!

TODAY, something changed!!!!!  Marcel couldn't say no to Ci Kiki's invitation.  Look at this photo of Marcel swinging Baby Tobias to sleep.  And Baby Tobias did sleep after 5 minutes!!!  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so proud of Marcel.  The first baby that Marcel managed to put to sleep as he's holding him (yes, I said it right: no bed; no other adult; no kangaroo strap; just empty-handed Marcel and sleepy Tobias).

Hmmmmmm, I'm very delighted!!!  Thank you, Ci Kiki, for trusting Marcel and letting him overcome his fear.  There has to be the first time to everything right?  Thank you Ko Hari & Ci Erni for trusting Tobias in Marcel's care.  Thank you, Marcel, for making my Valentine's day precious!!!  Seeing you and Tobias today just made my day.  I can't stop smiling.  :-)  It's like a beautiful scenery to my eyes.  Muach muach.

So, what about you?  What is the one thing you always say "Maybe later" or "Maybe next time" to?  For me, it was biking.  For Marcel, it was holding an infant.  Give it a try today and experience the joy of overcoming that fear!

May this be a blessing!


Kiki said...

Yan, aku seneng banget baca ini. Yay... another milestone for Marcel :) Dee cerita ngak how did he feel? :)

Yanny said...

:-) Aku tanya pas di mobil. Dia sambil kasih aku jempol trus bilang, "Ringan Tobi. Ga kaya Maxie last week. Ehhh, digoyang-goyang, bobo Tobinya." I think he still couldn't believe what he just did. :-)

Unknown said...

jasmine tuliz/ketuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkk: so proud of you susuk Marcel. so happy for you aih yanny! love

Erni said...

Yanny, Marcel,
Anytime!! Lebih sering, lebih bagus.... buat aku+Hari+Bobo. Bisa lebih sering kalau kami sudah pindah rumah di Cupertino.

Unknown said...

Joan overcomes her fear by holding Hachi :)