Monday, February 15, 2010


Today is Mario's 24th birthday.  A month ago Mario just moved to the new university to finish up his Masters in Computer Science.  Since we didn't want to let Mario celebrate his birthday, Chinese New Year, and Valentine's day (though none of us celebrated the latter) all by himself, we decided to do "something" for him.

We bought his favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies Ice Cream and video conferenced the cake to him :-).  We also taped the process for Mamih and Papih to enjoy in Indonesia.  And finally, we wrapped up the video conference with the picture of us three celebrating Mario's birthday.  LOL.

Happy Birthday, Mario!!!  Enjoy Mamih & Papih.

May this be a blessing!

1 comment:

susanti said...

Happy Birthday adik....
May God bless you and keeps you in His loving care..
Hahahaha...adik rambutnya gondrong..