Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I just want to share what God has spoken to me during my devotion today. And I hope it blesses you as much as it has filled my life with hope today.

Yesterday's finally the first day that I got to spend quite good long hours to research for jobs after it's been on-hold for awhile because of the in-laws' visit, Iron Chef, and Vicky and Evan's wedding preparation. The day kicked off pretty well with some application invitations from 2 companies, one being my dream company and the other being a really great company to work for. But then when I tried to address the questions in the pre-screen document for the dream company and create the cover letter for the second company, I struggled so much because I just felt that I don't have enough years of experience and/or specific "strong" examples that I can use to address my skills set. At the end of the day, I was left unsure on how to move forward with the application.

In the morning when I woke up, I prayed to God so that today will be better than yesterday. I pray so that today I can find hope in the midst of this uncertainty and the slow economic situation. As I walked to the car to take Marcel to the shuttle station, my mind was playing David Crowder Band's song "Never Let Go" (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hx5Y9DhoLJQ). And when I turned on the radio, K-Love was playing that song and on the chorus too!!!! So I was struck in awe not knowing that God was sending me comforts through that song.

After I came home from dropping Marcel off, my devotion today is about the battle of Jericho (Joshua 5-6). To give me a better background, I flashed back to and read the story of when Moses sent 12 spies to the promised land. The spies returned and said that the land's beautiful and filled with plenty of food. BUT, the people are big and strong. Joshua and Caleb believed that God has promised the land for them, thus they should not worry about the big and strong people for God will give the land to the Israelites no matter what. The Israelites decided not to listen to Joshua and Caleb. God was sad because they didn't have faith in Him and allowed the Israelites to wander in the desert for the next 40 years.

After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the Israelites. God led them into the promised land, Jericho. But the city was protected by high walls and strong armies. If I were Joshua, I would think, "There you go, another the impossible!!!" But Joshua decided to obey God instead of giving up. God then ordered Joshua to march around the city once a day for 6 days with the priests blowing their horns. And on the 7th day, march 7 times with priests blowing the horns and soldiers shouting as loud as they could. THEN, the great walls of Jericho came tumbling down and the Israelites took over the city.

So how did this battle of Jericho story and "Never Let Go" song become my inspiration today? God is faithful and God is true. He promised the Israelites a plentiful land; and He fulfilled it even though it cost their unfaithfulness another 40 years in the desert. Same goes for me. When my hope in this job hunting takes flight, His love for me has filled my life with hope. He will never let me go. I may be feeling really tired, frustrated and run into the impossibles. But God has something in store for me that is yet to be revealed at His own timing. This wait and obstacles are just parts of the process to show that the hand of the LORD is so powerful so that I may fear Him (Joshua 4:24). Until the "obstacle wall" is tumbled down for me, I know He is molding "Chist-likeness wall" within my heart.


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