Tuesday, May 02, 2006


In my Female Transit Bible Study last week (Monday, April 24th), Lyndsay asked every one of us this very challenging question:

"What thing is too big in your life that you think God cannot solve?"

And it's been over a week now since the last time I heard or thought of a new answer to that question. But today, that question has become so handy for my spiritual encouragement.

This morning I called my company's immigration lawyer in Richardson, TX to check the status of my H-1B application. It's already May 2nd; and I still haven't heard anything about it. Marcel has gotten his confirmation from last Thursday (April 27th). So, I called the lawyer right. Alan Chen, the lawyer, informed me that he couldn't find my file on his database. As a human being, I freaked out, started to worry, and hung up the phone. Like any other days in my life, my regular anger release was the super instant crying but yet not much tears dropping. The reason I worried that much was because I submitted my documents to my company's HR in mid-March. And when I checked back with her by the end of March, she told me that the lawyer has not yet complained about my documents. That means good. That means my documents are complete. Having found out that the lawyer still hasn't received my documents from Cyndi, Allegro's HR, I became speechless. It's been over a month now. So, I double-checked again with Cyndi today. She told me that she signed the paperworks and sent them out to the lawyer already.

Alright. Long story short. I am still uncertain about my application. I am worried. I am confused. Can I get the 2006 quota? In the midst of all my confusion, God brought up that question in my mind: "Yanny, what is TOO big for Me to do for you? I created the earth in 6 days. I healed the sicks. I calmed the storm. I made Sarah conceived in her old age. I made everything possible with My power and grace. What is too big for Me?"

At that moment I realized that nothing is too big for Him, for my Heavenly Father. Really. And maybe this time is another time that God wants to work His power and grace on me, on my life. It's maybe another time that He wants to show me His love for me. Regardless of this uncertain situation that I am facing, God is so faithful and never leaves me alone. He always provides the grace for me to bear my situation by keep sending me deliverances.

Let me share with you 3 different yet amazing and unpredictable deliverances from God to me today:

1) "God Will Make a Way" song by Don Moen

This song has been an encouraging song for me when I was going through a tough time applying for a full-time job AND working in my first full-time job. Evelyn Gloria, my roomate at that time of applying for the job, reminded me of this song. She actually sent me the beautiful lyrics of the song. Additionally, Susan Mukunda, my co-worker in my first job, played this song in her car for me when I was having that hard time. And today, this song just stood out in my heart after all the hardtimes. God will definitely make a way for me and for my H-1B application. No matter how tough and uncertain the situation is, my God is bigger than that situation.

2) 1 Peter 5:7

This verse says, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." What a great promise God has given me. This verse worked out very well for me during the full-time job hunting. And guess what? It does still work now. And it will always be. My Heavenly Father is my amazing God. In this situation, all I have to do as a child of God is place my anxiety on His feet because I am sure He will do the rest.

3) Ken Vormwald -- a utility Subject Matter Expert (SME) at Allegro

Ken was talking on the phone around my cubicle area. And once he's done, he came by my desk and shared with me that his moving to his new house in Frisco, TX isn't the smoothest experience ever. But he told me that he's not worried about that at all. Ken knows that I am a believer. Guess what!!! Before he left to go back to the training class, he said this one simple sentence that I've always heard over and over again, "Everything will fall in place if it is meant to be. You know that, Yanny!" He might have no clue how big that sentence impacted me today cause he said it at the right moment and time. I thanked him for that and told him that he was God's deliverance for me. So, if I am meant to work for Allegro in particular or the U.S. in general, I'm sure things will fall in place for me. And I don't have to worry about getting the quota or not. Once again, it WILL fall in place.

Today is a brand new day for me. Today, God is working in my life. And today I am glad that God has given me another chance to share this blessing with those of you who might be reading this newly-created blog. Lastly, today, I am thankful that God is always faithful to me even though I doubt Him a lot of time. God bless you!

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