Thursday, February 17, 2011


The other day I had to take Marcel to the office.  It normally takes us about 5 - 10 minutes one way.  But that wasn't the case that day.  The traffic was backed up.  And it took us a little over 20 minutes from the exit to the traffic light alone.

As we were trapped in the traffic, Marcel and I were praising God for the extra time we had together. When we used to live further away, we spent about 2 to 2.5 hours a day commuting.  We took advantage of that time in the car to worshipping and discussing some family matters.  We don't have to commute again nowadays.  And it's been awhile since the last time we saw this kind of traffic at this exit.  We had a feeling that it's not related to an accident.  All of the sudden a thought came to our minds, "Oh wooowww .. God, thank you ... the economy must have started to go back up .. these are the people going to work.  Thank you, God!!!"

So the next time you see traffic jam during rush hours, let's praise God!!!

May this be a blessing!

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