Thursday, July 01, 2010



Our One Month to Live study last week was based on 1 Corinthians 3:12-14.

"If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, be cause the Day will bring it to light.  It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.  If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward."

In summary, there are 3 methods [fire] God uses to cultivate [drill/test] Christ's character [quality] in us to build a lasting legacy:
1) Problem that always comes with a purpose
2) Pressures of life to smooth our edges 
3) People in our lives


Our challenge for the week was to show love to the last 5 people in our call log.  For me, one of the people was my older sister.


I don't know about you.  But for me and my sister, we ALWAYS have this love-and-hate relationship.  I miss her when she's far.  But I argue with her when she's close.  She can't stand how I'm becoming more americanized by following all the traffic rules.  I can't stand her for being so complainy (Why is the pasta green?  Why is the rice cooker taking 45 minutes to cook?  Why don't you have more furnitures at home?  Why do you live in 3rd floor?  Why can't you choose an apartment with an elevator?  WHY WHY WHY?)  An hour after she landed, I thought to myself, "Oh no, it's going to be the longest 10 days I will ever have."

It had to get worse before it got better for us.  At the end of the day, "You know what, we shouldn't talk for awhile.  You irritate me.  I irritate you."  So the next car trip we had, I was sitting at the back seat with her.  But every question directed to her was addressed as an open-ended question, "Anybody has a lip gloss?"  I mean seriously, Marcel and my sister's male guest could not have a lip gloss.  Obviously, only one other person could have a lip gloss.  Duuuuuuuuh.  Yet, I was being childish and selfish like that.  Talking about being a good role model ... NOT!  *yeah, not my proud moment, friends*

I was already at the end of the string before I was reminded about the challenge.  I prayed that God would show me how to love my sis-zilla (that's how I called her at the end of the day).  Opppssyy.  

The next day was her birthday.  I only had 5 hours of sleep that night because I stayed late to finish up work in order to leave early for my sister's birthday.  Guess what I did at 7 o'clock in the morning?  I was making dumplings for my sister!!!!  I mean, I normally get up at 9AM to go to work and rarely serve Marcel quicky cereal for breakfast.  And I made what for my sister?  I couldn't believe myself either.  Also, I didn't get up on an alarm!  Normally, I would snooze for an hour before, "Ahhhh, gotta bike now.  Or I'll be too late!"  The Holy Spirit SERIOUSLY woke me up that morning and made me cook hot breakfast.

And my friends, those dumplings were the start of our BFF relationship.  I haven't argued with her since then.  We're now so touchy feely, sending lots of "muach muach" throughout the day, and offering help anyway possible.  WHAT A CHANGE a prayer (and/or dumplings) can do huh?  Although I still have 3 more days before she leaves and anything can happen till then, I consider the past 6 days a wonderful work of the Holy Spirit.


God uses people in our lives to enrich our character, to chip away at our selfish edges that prevent us from loving others the way Christ does.  Every one of us has people in our lives who are hard to love.  Just because we love someone doesn't mean that the relationship will go smoothly.  Remember that God is using people as His chisel to chip away everything in our lives that doesn't look like Christ so He can make our life a work of art.

May this be a blessing!

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