Monday, April 26, 2010


What a special birthday Marcel had this year!!  Unlike his normal birthdays with just the two of us and a Happy Birthday song, this year Mamih and Mario joined us for the celebration.  Too bad Papih couldn't be here with us.

Mamih has been my Spiritual mom/mentor/role model.  I love her and enjoy having her around.  She knows only giving and serving her loved ones.  An angel to her husband and children (in-law).  I am blessed to have a blessing Mamih.

To add her personal and motherly touch to Marcel's celebration, Mamih played some songs with her harmonica.  Songs that she'd practiced for awhile.  It's our first time to celebrate a birthday with time of worship.  It's different; but we truly enjoyed it.  Yes, the new year is an amazing grace given by our Great God.  It's worth praising and thanking our Father in Heaven.  

Need a little time of worship, check this video out:

May this be a blessing!

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Wah... you mamih is so gracious and talented. Thank you for sharing this