Sunday, April 11, 2010


I really like to pamper myself every now and then; but I am discouraged with the spa price here in the States.  So I've been into home spa in the past 3 years to do it at a cheaper price.

This past weekend, I had the privilege to share some of my homemade spa recipes with my Small Group girls for Ella's bridal shower.  The girls said that they enjoyed the spa very much.  So I thought, I would share my recipes for others to enjoy too.  

I didn't invent the recipes.  I got the recipes from researching online, reading about ingredients' benefits, and experiments the combination that fits my skin.  They are mostly ingredients that you can find in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator.  Here you go the first one: STRAWBERRY BODY SCRUB.

Area: hands, feet, and body 

  • Strawberries: cleanse skin
  • Olive oil: nourishes and moisturizes skin
  • Coarse salt: acts as scrubbing agent to remove dead skin cell and smooth the skin 
  • 3 large strawberries
  • 2 tsp olive oil (or baby oil)
  • 1 1/2 tbs coarse salt (Kosher Salt)
  • Blend strawberries
  • Add oil and salt
  • Mix well
  • Apply on hands, feet, and body
  • Rub gently on your skin
  • Rinse well and pat dry with towel
Mix all the ingredients together

Store extra in the refrigerator for up to a week.

May you find this refreshing!

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