Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If you read my blog entry from yesterday, Me Ik's persuasion mode didn't result in the sleep over at my place.  Ce Hong and Me Ik ended up spending a day with us.  So I'd like to share with you some of Me Ik's random comments for your enjoyment. 

While Ce Hong was playing Hive with Marcel

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, is beetle bug 'Cecak' (Read: gecko)?" 

Yanny, "Hmm, no, Me Ik.  It doesn't even look like it."

Me Ik, "Oh ok."

Beetle Bug in Hive game

While getting ready to swim

Yanny, "So Ce Hong and Me Ik, do you guys want to 1) swim, 2) go to Smaland, or 3) swim and go to Smaland?"

Me Ik, "I want to go to Chuck E Cheese, Aunty!"

Marcel and I looked at each other and laughed.  Then I was reminded of Ci Kiki's blog awhile back.

While at Chuck E Cheese

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, can I get ice cream?"

Yanny, "OK later after dinner alright?"

[After she's done with dinner]

Me Ik, "Can I get my ice cream now?"

Yanny, "You sure you want ice cream still?  I thought you said you're too full already."

Me Ik, "I was.  But, Aunty Yanny, my stomach is too hot after dinner.  I need to eat ice cream to make it cold so that I can sleep tonight."

HAHAHA.  Where did she get that idea from.  So off we went to the ice cream vending machine.

While calling my name

Me Ik, "Aunty Yanny, do you know that Aunty Kiki always call me 'Maxie .. oh no, Me Ik' and Goring always call me 'Hachi .. oh no, Me Ik'?"

Yanny, "Oh yeah?  Hahaha." [not sure how to respond to that]

Me Ik, "Oh Aunty Yanny, when are you going to have your first child?"

Yanny, "Ask Uncle Marcel, Me Ik."

Me Ik, "Uncle Marcel, when are you going to have your first child?"

Marcel, "HAHAHAHA" [not sure how to respond to that; his signature answer to the question]

[5 minutes later after Me Ik finished 3 pieces of mochi I made for them]

Me Ik, "Aunty Kiki, I like your mochi." [no one's responding]

Me Ik, "Oh, I meant, Goring, I like your mochi." [still no one's responding]

Me Ik, "I meant, AUNTY YANNY [while giving me a big hug], I like your mochi!!!  Close your eyes!" [then she gave me big kiss]

Awwwwww.  Yanny, "Me Ik, you're forgetful like Aunty Kiki and Goring!"

Me Ik, "I'm sorry." [then another kiss for me]

She's so sweet, isn't she?

May this turn your frown upside down! 

1 comment:

Kiki said...

Ha..ha..ha.. lucune anak ini jadi kangen aunty Kiki