Thursday, November 12, 2009


About 2 months ago when my Small Group started the OMTL challenge, I have decided that if I have only 1 month to live, I want to be happier at work.  Here is what I blogged in September.  

As I prayed for an inspiration from God on how I could be happier, He whispered to me that I could start from being nice to everyone.  As much as we cannot change the situation and the people around us, we can always start from within.  So, I didn't argue back with God nor give Him any objection.  I had a very firm belief that He can make me happier at work.

I knew there's this one person at work whom I felt very negative towards.  This very same person was the reason why coming to work would be such a great burden for me.  So for the challenge, I prayed that God would enable me to put more effort on mending my relationship with this person.  

 It was a slow but steady work in progress.  My other co-worker told me that she used to be in a similar situation like me before (in her previous job).  She was treated unfairly and discriminated.  A strong Christian that she is, she prayed harder than ever before.  Every morning when she came in to work, she would touch the discriminating person's chair and pray.

So I did something similar.  Every morning, I would hover over the person's name on my AIM list and pray.  As I continued to pray for my challenge, God let me see what I had not been able to see because all this time I had been busy judging and hating what the person did and said.  I had been putting the person's offenses against me under the microscope while neglecting one or two great intention towards me.  How can we love someone if we're busy hating that person, right?

God had let me experience what I needed.  As God removed the hurt pin from my heart .. one-by-one .. day-by-day .. He restored each with a pinch of joy.  So today, with a great joy, I can tell you that I am happier at work.

As far as the person, this person is no longer with my group.  A little bit over a month into my OMTL challenge, this person was moved to a different group within the company.  But there you have it.  That's what God taught me in the one month of my One Month to Live challenge.

A challenge ahead of me is never as great as the Power behind me.

May this be a blessing!            

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