Wednesday, September 16, 2009


After our 3-month Summer Fun Program, my Small Group finally started our regular study tonight. This time, we are using One Month to Live as our Study Guide.

I heard about this book when I went to the Small Group Leader Conference at Saddleback in 2008. Our Prayer Meeting Ministry has been using this book as their supplemental reading since early this year. Now it's our turn to experience the challenge ourselves. :-)

The book contains 30 chapters -- one for each day of our live. Since our Small Group meets weekly, we plan to do 2 chapters each week. That said, we definitely will go beyond 30 days. Nonetheless, we are very thrilled about the challenge.

If we only have one month to live, how will we live differently? The concept of One Month to Live is universal. However, the application is unique to each person. To refine our focus and apply the concept of One Month to Live, each one of us made a decision to start doing 1 thing differently this week. And the challenge starts today :-)

I am very glad that everyone in my Small Group takes this challenge very seriously. Even Nahing starts a blog to journal her experience. Seems like the first day of the challenge is going pretty well for everyone.

I believe that as we walk in His ways and be dependent on His grace, we will enjoy the fruit of our labor (Psalm 128:2). This One Month to Live challenge is definitely worth investment of our time. I look forward to the days ahead.

Everyone dies but not everyone lives!

May this be a blessing to you!

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