Friday, September 18, 2009


In preparation for my Indonesia and Australia trip this Fall, I got myself some immunization shots. Since it's been almost 7 years since the last time I visited Indonesia, it would be good if I prepare enough physically for the trip so that I don't get sick and can enjoy the vacation to the fullest.

Two days ago, Glen and Ifti told me about this Kangaroo shot that Deb S. had to take prior to her Australian trip recently. They recommended that I take the Kangaroo shot as well for my trip. Somehow, I wasn't convinced. They smirked while they talked. I was certain that the Kangaroo shot's a joke.

For these past 2 days, Glen and Ifti went all out to persuade Ed, Huey, Deb S, and Jonathan to convince me about the shot. It was not until yesterday that I finally got convinced that maybe the Kangaroo shot does exist. Ed was telling me about his friends who live in Australia told him about it and how the the disease would spread if you eat the Kangaroo meat or be near to Kangaroos.

So this morning, I went to the hospital to get my immunizations. Marcel went with me. As the nurse was investigating my health history and determining the immunizations I needed to take, I braved myself out and asked her, "Nurse, do I need to get my Kangaroo shot as well?"

She looked shocked!!! She was like, "Kangaroo shot? I have never heard of such things. Where did you hear that from?"

I said, "From my boss. He's been telling me about it since 2 days ago. He said that I would get it from eating the Kangaroo meat or being near Kangaroos."

Nurse said, "Alright, well, just to give you some peace, let's look for it."

Marcel, who was sitting by me, was shocked too with my question. He's been making several business trips to Australia and never had to take the Kangaroo shot. So he asked me, "And you didn't ask me about it before you bravely asked the Nurse about it?"

The Nurse smiled of course. And I started to feel dumb for asking that question. However, in our search for the truth, we searched through the CDC website, Australian Embassy website, Nurse's Reference Guide, as well as her Library. What did we find? NONE.

The nice person that she is, the Nurse said that she would give me the Typhoid shot instead since from what she heard I might get infected if I consume the Kangaroo meat. Another advice she gave me was to stay away from the Kangaroos. Before I left, she said, "and please make sure you tell your boss that there is no Kangaroo shot!!!!"

I went back to the office and rushed to find Glen and Ifti. Once I found them I said, "YOU LIED!!!!!!"

Both of them had the biggest smirk and said, "What lie??"

I said, "There's no such thing called the Kangaroo shot! I was so embarassed to even ask the question to the Nurse. We went all out to find the truth. We search the websites and the library too!!!"

Of course they laughed even harder. I couldn't resist myself but to laugh at myself too. Why did I buy their lie?

Glen, "Gosh Yanny, you were so hard to convince. I had to go to Ed (our VP) level just to convince you!!"

Ifti, "Prank of the year!!! Yanny's Kangaroo shot!!"

Yanny, "Yeah, nice one. I got pranked, you guys!!!"

So .. Kangaroo shots do not exist, people! It's something Glen and Ifti made up. Phewwwww.

May this put a smile on your face!! Happy Friday!

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