Tuesday, September 18, 2007


As you go through the week, I want to share with you a simple prayer I got from my friend Kari Stagl that will build up your confidence in facing the day.

Oh God, you know every move each of us make, and understand our thoughts. Thank you for being all around us and for not being surprised by the decisions we make each day. Not even the words we speak surprise You, God. You have gone ahead of us to prepare the way, and are behind us, guiding us with your hand. Where can any one of us go, that Your spirit is not there? In what job, class, home, trial, or relationship is Your presence not full? No matter where we go, You are there, guiding, and protecting with your strong hand. Even when the darkness of sin or circumstances clouds our hearts, You provide Your light of strength. You do not waver in change as our hearts are tempted to do, for You have loved and protected us since before birth! I praise You, God, for fearfully and wonderfully making each of us, gifting us and loving us. You think about us innumerable times a day! Help each one of us know that and grasp it in our heart today! Amen (Psalm 139:1-14)

He knows us deeply and loves us anyway. That's a reason for joy no matter what kind of day we are having!
Praise God if you have spent quality time with Him this week! If not, praise God for new mercies every morning: the week is not over.

Spread the blessing!!!

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